Saturday, November 28, 2009

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Eat Fresh.

There are no chain restaurants here, with the exception of one. I ate at Subway for lunch today and was very happy about it. Instead of the nationally televised $5.00 sub, mine was a lot more. I know, some of you may think I was robbed at the cash register, but alas, I was not. Food is expensive here. What isn't hunted or fished is flown in by cargo plane or bush pilot. We live in a tundra town divided by rivers and mountain ranges. It's made up of about 7,000 people. Most of the residents here are Native Alaskan and to be honest, could care less if my little slice of heaven were to shut its doors tomorrow. Still, it was a nice feeling to be inside a warm restaurant with my favorite turkey and provolone, toasted, with oil and vinegar dressing, a side of sour cream and onion chips and a root beer with ice.

Friday, November 6, 2009

The Gypsy Rose Lee of the Artic

photo by megyn greider

No. 556

Over a week ago I traveled to Anchorage for a little winter shopping. Along the way I noticed an old train on the side of the road. I HAD to stop. My dad served many years as a train engineer for Norfolk Southern Railways and is now retired. Growing up we always heard stories of how trains work, where they go, and what they haul. Over the years my siblings and I have acquired a small, but notable, collection of memorabilia...most of it is coal and rail spikes. Still, they go great with my camera collection! And so it was on this day (because of Dad) that I stopped and admired No. 556. An American made Baldwin Locomotive built for war use in 1943. The trains were "stripped down" for war action and were nicknamed Gypsy Rose Lee, after the American Burlesque entertainer. How funny. So the story goes...this engine was spared war and sent instead to Alaska. Plowing through a ton of ice and snow, Number 556 carried passengers and freight from Seward through Anchorage and onto Fairbanks. She now resides in downtown Anchorage, acting as part playground and part history.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

I've been living in Bethel, Alaska for about three weeks now. Job searching and interviewing. I keep my sanity by taking photographs of daily life here. Each time I leave the house becomes a new experience. You just can't walk down the same road twice without seeing something different. Life here in Alaska is cold...but beautiful and full of brilliant color. Now, if I can just manage to keep my toes warm...